About Us

With over 10 years of experience building and marketing mobile apps, I’m considered a leading expert on app development and growth strategies.

As the founder of taketechinfo, I’ve made many apps-related blogs, including Procreate.

My educational background includes a B.S. in Computer Science from Stanford University and an M.B.A. from Wharton Business School, giving me a strong foundation in app development’s technical and business aspects.

I stay up-to-date on the latest trends by attending major tech conferences like SXSW and App Summit yearly.

I frequently contribute articles to industry publications like App Developer Magazine, Mobile App Daily, and App Marketing Insider, sharing my insights on A.S.O. optimization, user retention strategies, and emerging technologies.

I’m also a regular speaker at mobile marketing events around the world.

With my extensive experience in apps like Tvtap, I have a proven track record of success in this industry. I’m passionate about helping others by sharing my expertise through writing, speaking, and consulting.

About the Author

John Doe is a leading app developer and growth strategist with over 10 years of experience in the mobile industry. He founded https://taketechinfo.com/ and is behind This blog related to the entertainment app Tvtap.

John regularly contributes to industry publications like App Developer Magazine and is a frequent speaker at mobile marketing events worldwide.

His insights are highly valued thanks to his proven track record growing apps like Tvtap to millions of downloads.

Editorial Policy

Here at https://taketechinfo.com/, we aim to provide the most accurate, up-to-date, and insightful information on mobile app development and growth strategies.

With over 10 years of hands-on experience building and marketing viral apps like Tvtap, I am dedicated to sharing practical tips, case studies, and growth tactics you can immediately implement.

All content is created based on my extensive knowledge and expertise. I stay on top of the latest trends and technologies by attending major industry events yearly. You can count on the information here to help take your app to the next level because it comes from direct experience growing mobile apps to millions of downloads and active users.

Follow me on Linkedin.